Timothy Keller’s Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God is a profound and practical explanation of an essential aspect of the Christian life. In it, Keller, a respected pastor and theologian, begins with why we should pray and then explores how we can pray and continue to deepen our prayer life.
Keller draws from a broad range of sources, including Scripture, church history, and the works of great Christian thinkers. These truths spring from a personal study of prayer, which he undertook during a pivotal moment when he recognized his own desperate need for a richer prayer life.
He carefully examines what the Bible teaches about prayer and then summarizes key teachings, especially from Augustine, Martin Luther, and John Calvin. Quoting extensively from many authors throughout Christian history, Keller ends up creating a fantastic compendium of the church’s teachings on prayer. He weaves these together to create a resource that can be read and reread with great benefit.
The centrality of scripture
A key theme is prayer as a response to God’s revelation of Himself in His word. Keller argues that prayer is not merely about presenting requests but also about entering into a loving relationship with God, which is grounded in His word. Keller emphasizes that prayer must be shaped by Scripture.
He constantly returns to the value of God’s words to us as we speak to Him. He compares learning to pray with learning other forms of communication: “If the goal of prayer is a real, personal connection with God, then it is only by immersion in the language of the Bible that we will learn to pray, perhaps just as slowly as a child learns to speak” (p. 55).
As Keller guides us toward a better understanding of the essence of prayer, he also provides a framework for developing a richer prayer life. He gives several practical patterns that he used in his own life, showing how adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving each play a vital role in deepening our relationship with God. He ends the book with practical exercises and suggestions for structuring personal prayer time.
The power of prayer
He balances all of these practical suggestions with a focus on the power of prayer. Throughout the book, he relates everything back to the center of prayer: God.
He writes, “Prayer in all its forms—adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and petition—reorients your view and vision of everything. Prayer brings new perspective because it puts God back into the picture” (p. 129).
Keller does not present prayer as a rigid formula but as a dynamic, life-giving practice. He draws from Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer as well as other scriptural prayers to reveal how each of us can strengthen our prayer life.
With his characteristic clarity and depth, he offers both theological richness and concrete guidance, making this book an invaluable resource for believers seeking a more meaningful prayer life. Truly, this book is a master class on prayer.

“With his trademark insights and energy, Keller offers biblical guidance as well as specific prayers for certain situations, such as dealing with grief, loss, love, and forgiveness. He discusses ways to make prayers more personal and powerful, and how to establish a practice of prayer that works for each reader.” (Amazon description)
Have you considered strengthening your prayer life with a prayer journal?
These journals have been designed to encourage us to track God’s powerful acts and answers to our prayers. For more about the benefits of recording requests and answers, read the following article here.

With a cover design inspired by the Alberta Rocky mountains, this journal is the perfect size (6×9) to carry with your Bible. It includes 7 sections to organize your prayers as well as a bonus resource section with lists of key references of Bible verses on prayer. Be guided by scripture as you meditate on verses from the Bible and pray to God. Watch how He answers and record His works for the next generation!

With the same great resources and organization as the previous prayer journal, this 6×9 journal pairs well with Cultivate & Nurture: A Guided Journal for Christian Growth. It also includes 7 sections to organize your prayers as well as a bonus resource section with lists of key references of Bible verses on prayer. Use this journal to systematically improve how you pray and notice God’s work in your life.
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