I am passionate about notebooks and journals that can help us to study the Bible for ourselves, to pray more, and to meditate on Scripture. Today, I combine that passion with my decades of experience as an editor and educator in order to create journals to assist generations of women in their walk with God. Whether your journaling habit is well established or in its beginning stages, these journals can help you to meditate on scriptural truths and record how God is teaching you.
A Year of Proverbs Journal
Do you desire a better understanding of the book of Proverbs and the wisdom it holds? Join me in the Proverbs Reading Challenge. I have also created this unique journal to help you track your progress and record your meditations through the book of Proverbs. It has space for notes, prayers, tracking your reading, and meditating on truth with verse art.

Cultivate your own meditation on these truths as you read the book of Proverbs each month over the next year. This journal is a guide that will enable you to write notes, prayers, verses to memorize, and highlights from your reading. (Amazon description)
A Year of Psalms Journal
The reading plans included in this journal help us to become more familiar with Psalms and to daily meditate on God’s character. Reading through Psalms systematically throughout the whole year also helps us to pray better as we see ways that we can honestly cry out to God, ask Him for help, and repeat the foundations for our hope—His character and promises.
There are two different reading plans to choose from. The first is an intensive approach through the entire book of Psalms in one month. This plan helps us to familiarize ourselves with the book as a whole and see themes and truths in Psalms like never before. This may be an approach to take a couple of months out of the year (consider months 6 and 12, for example). The second reading plan is a slower, more focused approach of reading one psalm each day. With this plan, we can read through the entire book in five months, or twice in one year.

Studying the book of Psalms is essential to knowing God’s character, His promises, and how to pray to Him. This reading plan will help you to become more familiar with Psalms and to daily meditate on truths that will change your life. (Amazon description)
Prayer journals to track how God is working in our lives
Are you yearning for greater faith and an effective prayer life?
These newly designed prayer journals can help you organize your prayer practice, align your petitions with God’s truth, and bear witness to the miraculous ways in which He answers. Within this journal, you’ll find two essential tools to cultivate a life of prayer and spiritual growth.
- A guided prayer list
- Study of scriptural examples

With a cover design inspired by the Alberta Rocky mountains, this journal is the perfect size (6×9) to carry with your Bible. It includes 7 sections to organize your prayers as well as a bonus resource section with lists of key references of Bible verses on prayer. Be guided by scripture as you meditate on verses from the Bible and pray to God. Watch how He answers and record His works for the next generation!

With the same great resources and organization as the previous prayer journal, this 6×9 journal pairs well with Cultivate & Nurture: A Guided Journal for Christian Growth. It also includes 7 sections to organize your prayers as well as a bonus resource section with lists of key references of Bible verses on prayer. Use this journal to systematically improve how you pray and notice God’s work in your life.
Cultivate & Nurture: A Guided Journal for Christian Growth

Do you long for real growth in your Christian walk and more clear evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in your life? We believe God’s word, but we struggle to daily cling to His promises for our future and hope.
God’s word has the answers, and this journal points to those answers while providing the structure and space for you to work through these truths for your life. Find more details and description here.

Cultivate & Nurture: A Guided Journal for Christian Growth is available now on Amazon.

Do you long for real growth in your Christian walk and more clear evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in your life? God’s word has the answers, and this journal points to those answers while providing the structure and space for you to work through these truths for your life. (Amazon description)
Sermon notes that take you beyond Sunday!
Do you struggle to remember or meditate on Bible truths throughout the week?
Sunday comes and goes, and we struggle to continue that same worship and study of God’s truth all week long. You can change this cycle! This journal is the perfect guide to encourage you to keep meditating and praying all week long. Each week has two pages to take notes on Sunday, and then two more pages with reflection questions, prayer requests, and tracking your Bible reading for the rest of the week. The 30 weeks of notetaking will transform your habits and help you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.

For each week, the Abiding in Christ journal has a 2-page spread for sermon notes, combined with a second 2-page spread for reflection questions, prayer requests (following ACTS format—Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplications), and Bible reading tracking throughout the week. See how this journal prompts reflection on the sermons you hear, not just on Sunday but throughout the week! (Contents include space for 30 sermons.)

As a college professor for nearly 2 decades, I urged my students to be active listeners by taking notes and reflecting on and summarizing what they had learned in class. Based on these methods as well as feedback from local pastors, I have designed these three notebooks to encourage reflection and prayer throughout the week!
As I interviewed local pastors, I noticed how excited they were with the possibility of a resource designed to encourage reflection and meditation on these things throughout the week. I was struck by the thoughtfulness and care that each pastor took in considering the needs of his congregation. It helped me remember how much time pastors spend in preparing sermons each Sunday.

All of these books are also available in other Amazon marketplaces, so just search for “Desiree Talbert” if you are looking in other countries.
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