Recently, I’ve been meditating on Psalm 23, and it’s been extremely comforting as we go through a time of grieving. Many of us memorized this psalm when we were children so that we could be prepared for such times. Have the children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews in your life memorized this psalm?
I’d like to introduce a book that I used to teach Psalm 23 to my children. It’s a great way to help them memorize as well as understand each phrase and verse. Sammy and His Shepherd: Seeing Jesus in Psalm 23, written by Susan Hunt and illustrated by Cory Godbey, is an exceptional children’s picture book. It tells the story of Sammy, a little sheep owned by the Good Shepherd. One day he meets a sickly, neglected sheep who lives in the neighboring pasture. Sammy befriends this unnamed sheep, and eventually his shepherd purchases her to nurse her back to health. Sammy introduces her to all of the ways that his shepherd cares for their flock.
Each beautifully illustrated chapter explains the meaning of a phrase or verse from Psalm 23. Years ago, when I read it to my oldest two children, I intended to read one chapter a night, but they begged me to read more. Each night, we would read a chapter or two, and we’d practice reciting the verse from that reading and any from previous nights. By the end of the book, they’d easily memorized Psalm 23 and understood the imagery and meaning of its pastoral background.
If you have children in your life you can read aloud to, I recommend having this book in your home!

In Sammy and His Shepherd, veteran children’s writer Susan Hunt takes youngsters on a delightful trip through Psalm 23 from the point of view of a sheep named Sammy. (Amazon description)
Recommended Reading:

Travel the Shepherd’s path to the green pastures and cool, refreshing waters of Psalm 23. As a shepherd himself, W. Phillip Keller shares his insights into the life and character of sheep–and of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for them. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 will give new meaning to the ageless Shepherd Psalm, enriching your trust in and love for the Lord who watches closely over you.
(Amazon description)
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What a lovely book! I’m getting it now, for my Sammie!
So excited to introduce it to you!